Character design - League of Legends: Digon, the Avatar of Targon

The champion below was created for the the May 2014 reddit competition. The champion is my first attempt at a non-humanoid character and my second attempt at a resourceless champion. From experience LoL champions who aren't restricted by a resource have had balancing problems. With the kit I designed I hoped to alleviate some of those problems by using additional methods of scaling as well as focusing the skills on utility instead of damage.


Digon - The Avatar of Targon


“Elders, please hear me, this battle has gone on long enough. This eclipse was supposed to bring us together not tear us further apart.”
The Solari researcher shifted on her feet and brushed blonde hair from her eyes while the elders eyed up her and her work. Although they had agreed to view her documents it was evident they did not want to entertain her findings.
“These ancient texts clearly predict this eclipse would happen. They state the eclipse is a sign sent from Targon to show that the teachings of the sun and the moon should be used together!”
The researcher continued to wait for the Elder’s reply. The oldest of the leaders began thumbing through the parchments and books, and turned to mutter something to the man standing next to him.
They have to believe me, the researcher thought to herself, the evidence cannot be dismissed.
The elder stepped forward with a bundle of paper in his grasp. “Your research is intriguing to say the least, but one thing puzzles us the most.” He held a piece of parchment before the researcher. “This image appears throughout all your documents, but you did not explain what it was”
The researcher glanced at the image and recognised it instantly. A being made of rock and relics. No textbooks referenced the being directly, but only one word ever appeared in conjunction with the image. Fury.
“I’m sorry, but I have not found conclusive evidence on what this image means, but I believe it is what awaits us if we continue this war.” The researcher gathered her confidence for her final statement. “The proof I have found should be enough to.”
“Enough.” The elder held his hand out forward and cleared his throat. “This is not proof, merely a theory and a theory that no longer serves a purpose.”
The researcher continued to maintain her composure as they handed her back the documents.
“The war will end tonight,” he continued. “We have sent our forces to flank the enemy and put an end to this silly war”, and with that the she was ushered out and her presentation was over.
That night the researcher sat at her desk, contemplating her next actions when the room began to shake around her. Various research papers began to flutter towards the floor and when they settled she found herself staring at the images of the mysterious being. The deafening roar that followed caused the researcher to think one word.
Digon is a fury based tank champion, whose kit is designed to have limitations to his damage and utility to balance out his cooldown reliant kit. He is best suited for the jungle due to his AoE damage, passive mobility and his reveal/dash E, or potentially top lane due to his shield, wave clear and cooldown based kit. His ultimate is designed to force enemies to focus him as he can hide nearby units, bar himself, in his shadow.
Connection to Theme
Digon is the avatar of the mountain Targon who was summoned to quell the bloodshed between the Solari and Lunari.
Appearance and Character
Digon is a being made of rock and has the body structure of a gorilla. His head is based on the Face of the Mountain item and he wears Targon’s Brace on his arms. The design of Digon is supposed to be Targon incarnate, which is why I incorporated the use of the related relics. His personality is based on fury and as he doesn’t have a mouth he relies on grunts and roars. As his Fury increases the crevices in his body will begin to glow red.

Champion Statistics:BasePer Level
Health Regen:7.4+0.6
Attack Damage:56+3.4
Attack Speed:0.625+2.5%
Magic Resist:30+1.25
Attack Range (Melee):175
Movement Speed:325


Resource: Fury
Digon’s abilities have no cost related to them and their use is limited only by cooldowns. Instead, he uses Fury as his secondary resource. Digon starts with 0 Fury and it is capped at 100. Digon gains 5 Fury with each auto-attack, and 10 extra Fury per any unit he kills. Using Mountain’s Rage on enemies also grants fury. Fury will decay at a rate of 5 per 2 seconds if Digon has not dealt or received damage in the last 10 seconds.
Passive - Targon’s Resolve
Digon gains a bonus 1.5% tenacity and movement speed for every 5 fury, for a maximum bonus of 30% at 100 Fury.
Comments - I decided to make Digon a fury champion to match his intended lore. As Fury champions have a tendency of being on the strong side I wanted his kit to have limitations and counterplay. His passive was intended to make him feel like an unstoppable charging rock jacked up on fury. Due to the increased speed he is able to get into battle but players would have to make a choice of maintaining the passive stacks or gaining an improved shield by consuming them.
Q - Mountain’s Rage
ACTIVE: Digon crushes the ground beneath him, dealing physical damage and slowing all nearby enemies for 2 seconds. If an enemy is afflicted by Sunlight they will become stunned for 1 second. Digon gains 5 fury for every enemy unit struck by the skill.
Physical Damage: 60/100/140/200/240 (+ 60% AD)
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40% 
Range: 350
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Comments - Mountain’s Rage is Digon’s main source of consistent damage in his kit as well as a great way to gain fury. The AoE damage of the skill helps him clear jungle camps and minion waves. The stun mechanic is to coincide with his E, which marks enemy units with Sunlight.
W - Moon’s Protection
ACTIVE: Digon consumes all of his current Fury to create a shield for 6 seconds and also gains an orbiting moon for every 20 fury consumed. If the shield has not been destroyed, Digon can cast this ability again to detonate the shield and fire the orbiting moons in a straight line away from him. Moons deal physical damage to all enemies in their path.
Shield Strength: 50/90/130/170/210 (+ 10% bonus health) + 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8 per 1 fury consumed
Maximum Shield Strength 150/210/270/330/390 (+ 10% bonus health)
Physical Damage per moon: 30/50/70/90/110 (+ 40% AD)
Moon Range: 925
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Comments - Digon’s shield is his form of sustain for jungling and laning. The base value of his shield is low to balance out the additional bonus from Fury consumption. This means that although it can be spammed without fury, he won’t get much out of it. The moon mechanic increases the bonus for stacking up large amounts of fury. When fired Digon loses his shield and the moons will travel away from his character model in a straight line. As they ‘orbit’ him players would have to take time for the moon to line up with their ideal target.
E - Sun’s Gaze
ACTIVE: Digon calls upon the power of the sun to reveal a target area. All enemy units revealed become charged by Sunlight for 3.5 seconds. When allied champions deal damage to marked units they consume the debuff and deal magic damage. After casting the ability, Digon can cast Sun’s Reach multiple times within the next 4 seconds.
Sunlight Magic Damage: 30/60/90/120/150 
Range: 1000
Cooldown: 18 seconds
E- Sun’s Reach
ACTIVE: Digon targets an enemy marked by Sunlight and dashes to their location, which detonates the mark.
Range: 800
Comments - Sun’s Gaze is Digon’s scouting utility and gap closer all in one nice package. The Sunlight debuff is the same debuff from Leona's passive, this means that Digon can dash to enemies that have been damaged by Leona while Sun's Reach is active. The long cooldown on the first part and the possible detonation of sunlight by team mates limits how much Digon can dash between enemies.
R - Eclipse’s Shadow
ACTIVE: Digon shrouds himself in the shadow of the Eclipse for 5 seconds, dealing magical damage to enemies initially caught in the shadow and also instantly gains 100 Fury. While the shadow is active Digon gains bonus resistances and the vision of the area and units around Digon is denied to all enemies outside of the shadow. Enemies inside the shadow will have their vision limited to 900 range. Digon himself remains visible to all units during the eclipse.
Magic Damage: 200/300/400 (+ 80% AP)
Range: 900
Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds
Comments - I wanted Digon’s ultimate to cause fear and make enemy champions run away from him and a giant rock creature shrouded in a shadow fulfills this wish. The ultimate has the potential to hide objectives, allies and team fights from the opposition. As Digon is still visible enemies can choose to focus him, run away, or join him within the shadow to find out what’s going on.

Gameplay and Itemisation

Digon should clear the jungle camps primarily with his Q and use his shield to minimise incoming damage. When wanting to gank it would be advised to gather a good amount of fury from the last camp and use the speed from the passive to get into the lane. During the gank his E can reveal to scout out lane bushes and mark minions with sunlight and dash through them to get to the enemy champion and land a Q. When fighting for objectives Digon can use E to grant vision of the area offensively or R to deny it when defending.
Team fights
When you want to engage throw the E onto as many enemies as possible, dash to the lowest priority target and Q stun everyone else who is nearby. For the teamplay option activate the ultimate and shroud your team mates for a sneaky engage. While fighting keep using Q when available and be selective when using W, as you don’t want to take out your passive during a chase.
Grab some CDR, grab some tank items and if you’re feeling fancy and want some AD grab a Hydra for extra stompy fun.

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