Name: D3-3N - The Classified Guardian
Nickname: - DEEN
Intended Role: Top lane
D3-3N was built to defend secrets that could be harmful to the outside world. Instead of being built to never allow anyone to enter, he was built to chase down those who might reveal the location of the vault. His aesthetic aligns with the steampunk and futuristic visual style of Piltover. His main components are covered by large areas of metal, but there are still cogs and wires visible. The overall character shape would be similar to Reference 2 below. His battery pack resource is shown on his character model by 5 cylinders placed on his spine, which glow depending on how many charges he has. D3-3N auto attacks using an energy sword (Reference 3), holding it with both arms.
Terkis was one of the leading scientists in defensive weapons in Piltover, whose contributions had helped to keep Piltover safe for decades. As he grew older, his paranoia took control of him. Believing his latest inventions too powerful for the outside world and himself to too frail to defend them, he began pulling his research together to build himself a defender. Below his land he built a large vault to house all of his creations. His last creation, D3-3N was placed outside of the door of the vault. His final instructions were to guard his secrets from any intruders, and with that he walked into the vault and closed the door.
As the years passed, the secrets of Terkis were kept. D3-3N stood guard and vanquished all treasure seekers and lost travellers that were unlucky enough to come within the area of the vault. His actions sparked the interest of the institute of war who sent a group to investigate the mysterious disappearances. As they approached the old manor they were ambushed by D3-3N. After a long and grueling battle the guardian was bested, he could not compete with the sheer numbers of the group. In an attempt to protect the vault and his creator, D3-3N laid down his weapon and claimed himself to be Terkis’ treasure that he was protecting. They returned to the Institute of War with the guardian in tow, for judgement.
Resource The energy resource for D3-3N uses battery packs instead of mana. The regeneration of this resource is controlled by his passive. Battery packs will also refill when at the fountain.
Passive - [Battery pack]:
- D3-3N uses battery packs to power his skills, which recharge every 10 seconds. D3-3N can store up to a maximum of 5 batteries. Each time D3-3N uses a battery pack his bonus armour and magic resist are increased by 5% for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times.
Q - [Lock-On]:
- D3-3N fires a targeting device in a straight line that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits, marking them with “Locked-On” for 4 seconds. Enemies that are marked take additional magic damage from D3-3N’s basic attacks. Enemies that are hit with multiple targeting devices take 50% damage from each device after the first, but are slowed by 10%.
Cooldown - 3 secondsRange - 1000Device Damage - 20/50/80/110/140 (+70% AP)Additional auto attack damage - 10/35/60/85/110 (+10% AP)
W - [Flight mode]:
- D3-3N turns on flight mode, which increases his movement speed and allows him to ignore unit collision for 5 seconds. If D3-3N is in a Power core’s field his thrusters will gain more power, doubling the movement speed bonus.
Cooldown - 3 secondsMovement speed - 10/15/20/25/30%
E - [Power Core ]:
- D3-3N deploys a targetable power core at the target area that has health equal to 20% D3-3N’s maximum health. Cores grant vision and create an energy field. Energy fields give D3-3N 10 health regeneration per 5 seconds and 10% attack speed. If an enemy marked by Locked-On is in the energy field of a power core, the core will fire a laser beam at the enemy every second, dealing magic damage. Up to 2 power cores can be active at one time and deploying a third removes the oldest one.
Cooldown - 3 secondsDuration - 30 secondsRange - 400Field radius - 600Laser damage - 20/30/40/50/60 (+50% AP)
R - [Core Overcharge]:
- Passive: Kills and assists recharge one of D3-3N’s battery cells.
- Active: D3-3N overcharges his personal power core, creating an additional energy field around himself for 10 seconds. All power core energy fields begin emitting energy pulses, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies each second. Enemies marked by Locked-On are stunned for 1 second when struck by a pulse. The stun cannot occur on the same target within 5 seconds.
Cooldown - 100/80/60Field radius - 600Damage per pulse - 30/45/60 (+20% AP)Maximum damage (3 fields) - 900/1350/1800 (+600% AP)
Champion Statistics:
Health: 400 (+80)
Health Regen: 7.5 (+0.7) Batteries: 5 Range: 125 (melee)
Movement Speed: 345 Attack Damage: 50 (+3)
Attack Speed: 0.625 (+2.5%) Armour : 14 (+3)
Magic Resist: 30 (+1.25)
- Skills:
The design of D3-3N's skills allows him to adapt to various situations due to the available combinations. The majority of D3-3N's damage relies on landing his Q, which then enables him to output damage using his auto attacks and his E. This gives room for counter play. As the Q is a skillshot the enemy is able to dodge it, forcing D3-3N to use batteries to target again. The enemies can also destroy his power cores, stopping his chasing power and overall damage.
- Laning:
As a top lane champion, D3-3N relies on sustain, control and surviving ganks. He can use his cores to scout key areas, but by doing so he reduces his potential damage. If he lands his Q on an enemy he is able to output a good amount of damage using his power cores and auto attacks. During combat the enemy has the option to escape the core field, destroy the nearby cores or fight head on.
Defensively D3-3N can position his cores on the back line. This gives him an area to restore health and deter the enemy from diving him on his turret. From this position he can farm using targeting devices from a distance if needed
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